Designed to CHALLENGE Test your leadership capabilities through experiential learning The journey accelerates learning; working alongside peers heightens self-awareness “—eadership isn’t practiced in a vacuu† Wharton AMP is renowned for converting knowledge into action —eadership is enacted „ith other people through experiential learning. ˆase studies are never the main focus and, when included, divert from the historical approach through relationships in specific ‰inds to business practices used by other programs. Wharton of conte‚ts,” says ™eff šlein, e‚ecutive faculty members discuss case studies in the context of current director, …c›ulty —eadership Progra† information, promoting new thinking about future possibilities. AMP, delivered in partnership with the cŽulty •eadership This philosophy stands at the center rogram, takes you out of your comfort ‰one and mental habits through engaging, unusual, and often demanding experiences™ of Wharton , „hich incorporates interactive e‚periences for • “ilming and producing mini‡documentaries with the ig —ron heatre ˆompany in hiladelphia develops leadership and stronger engage†ent and to followership roles and advances communication skills. deepen learning • €oŒing on the Schuylƒill €i…er aligns crews around a common purpose, creating greater awareness of inner strengths and reliance on others to achieve success. • Œsing ‚PS tracƒing technology for campus explorations reveals each individual’s talents and the necessity of different roles within a team. “Wharton long ago recogni‰ed that it’s not enough for leaders to talk about what they might do if they find themselves in a certain situation. What’s necessary for leadership development is to put yourself in the situation, to make the decisions, and then understand the conse†uences of those decisions,” ¢eff £lein says. 6 wharton advanced management program