Designed for TRANSFORMATION Tae a uantum leap in leadership strengths Benefit from a reflective, thought-provoking pause in your career ¢or so†e,  is a career refresh  reset  needed pause fro† the dayŒtoŒday operations to not only thin‰ about ne‚t 12 steps, but to be challenged intellectually, AMP 2015 alumni creatively, and realistically were promoted to the ¢or others,  is a chance to stretch C-suite after completing the†selves as leaders —earning the the Wharton program. value of leadership and follo„ership Testing their strengths and opening the†selves to ne„ e‚periences and roles „ithin tea†s What „ill  be for you£ ¤o„ „ill you design your future£ —­€A ‚€““­ (AMP 2‡) President and C‹Œ, Progressive Žnsurance S„ea‘er, Wharton ‚eadershi„ Conference 2’ 12 wharton advanced management program

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