Designed for TRANSFORMATION Tae a uantum leap in leadership strengths Benefit from a reflective, thought-provoking pause in your career ¢or so†e, is a career refresh reset needed pause fro† the dayŒtoŒday operations to not only thin‰ about ne‚t 12 steps, but to be challenged intellectually, AMP 2015 alumni creatively, and realistically were promoted to the ¢or others, is a chance to stretch C-suite after completing the†selves as leaders —earning the the Wharton program. value of leadership and follo„ership Testing their strengths and opening the†selves to ne„ e‚periences and roles „ithin tea†s What „ill be for you£ ¤o„ „ill you design your future£ —€A ‚€““ (AMP 2‡) President and C‹Œ, Progressive Žnsurance S„ea‘er, Wharton ‚eadershi„ Conference 2’ 12 wharton advanced management program