“ AMP is a program that’s fully designed for people who are heading for the corner office, for people who are in positions of significant responsibility. AMP is rooted in research and thinking about how people learn to lead.” —MAL SM P Faculty Chair, Advanced Management Program Professor of Management, The Wharton School dvanced anagement rogram Designed for RIGOR Sharpen your business acumen p. Amplifying Leadership Designed to Potential Since 1988 CHALLENGE est your leadership through experiential learning p. Senior executives choose the Wharton Advanced Management Program (AMP) to amplify their business acumen and hone their leadership capabilities. Over five weeks, a select cohort of about 55 executives are immersed in a rigorous, experiential, Designed for transformative program that becomes a defining moment in their SELF-AWARENESS €ain perspective from your executive coach p. ‚ personal and professional lives. hey learn within an optimal environment, working sidebyside with colleagues across industries, developing a global and lifelong network of peers. Designed for AMP is led by expert Wharton faculty, who bring extensive CONNECTION business knowledge, research, and proficiency to bear on ƒecome part of a global network of peers p. „… all aspects of the program. elivered in partnership with the McNulty Leadership Program at Wharton, AMP blends coursework, coaching, and experiential learning to develop Designed for visionary leadership capabilities in individuals. AMP provides TRANSFORMATION the foundation from which senior executives can reach the next ake a †uantum leap in leadership strengths p. „‡ level of achievement and success. 1