Designed for RIGOR Sharpen your business acumen The interrelatedness of all things, from finance and strategy to marketing and negotiations “esearch and e‚perience indicate that the Featured Session Topics five intense „ee‰s of  provide you, as a senior e‚ecutive, „ith the right level of S­€A­‚‰ Š NN†‹A­†N rigor and i††ersion ”y design, acade†ic ‚ain larity Œith MeasuraŽle mpact content engages the „hole brain and the •inking Operations anagement to –inancial erformance „hole person eveloping and anaging —nnovation ˆapability Žew ƒusiness Opportunities in the ‡„st ˆentury ‡t blends the analytical ‰no„ledge ˆreating and Sustaining ˆompetitive dvantage that underpins business acu†en— Strategy lanning and ˆonnected Strategy finance, †ar‰eting, strategy—„ith anaging ˆorporate c†uisitions provocative e‚periences to inspire iscoveryriven lanning †ore inventive and e‚pansive Social ‹nterprise ro˜ect thin‰ing, „hile creating an invaluable, reflective pause in MA€‘­N‚ Š SALS your career reate AŒareness to ‚enerate €esults arketing Science™ Žew ata and ƒetter Science ‹ˆommerce and igital arketing oes arketing atterš he ƒrand of a Žation ˆustomer nalytics 4 wharton advanced management program

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