“ A lot of stress in deciding to do these programs is choosing the right program, and when to do the right program. There’s never a good time to take off five weeks, but when I looked at the Wharton curriculum, it was really a good program for me.” —L‰NN “L‰NN (AMP 2) S€P of ‚icensing, Pƒ€ Cor„…, †SA Featured Session Topics S€A‚‰ Š NN†‹A†N‚L†’AL “NAN S€ •P€NS ‚ain larity Œith MeasuraŽle mpact€ecogni”e Nuances in conomic n…ironments€each ’eyond omfort ˆones •inking Operations anagement to –inancial erformance –inancial arket ›eturns and the acro ‹conomy ‹xecutive and eam ˆoaching eveloping and anaging —nnovation ˆapabilityˆorporate Strategy and œaluation•eadership Žavigation ˆhallenge Žew ƒusiness Opportunities in the ‡„st ˆenturyanaging the ˆorporate ortfolio ›owing on the Schuylkill ›iver ˆreating and Sustaining ˆompetitive dvantage€lobal ‹conomic —ssues Write ”our Own ˆover Story Strategy lanning and ˆonnected Strategy he –uture of oney aking a –ilm in a ay anaging ˆorporate c†uisitions–inancial ccounting ˆreativity iscoveryriven lanning Social ‹nterprise ro˜ect SN†€ LA €SP ’SNSS P€SP‹S onnect People Œith Strategy for †ngoing ‹alue See the ’igger Picture MA€‘N‚ Š SALS•eading žigherforming eams in ynamic ‹nvironments ˆompeting Œnder Œncertainty reate AŒareness to ‚enerate €esultsƒoards that •ead™ ˆorporate €overnance that ƒuilds œaluehe anagement of olitics arketing Science™ Žew ata and ƒetter Science‹xecutive Žegotiation Workshop‹xecutive Speaker Series ‹ˆommerce and igital arketing•eadership and –ollowership ˆorporate iplomacy oes arketing atterš Organi‰ational ˆulture What is Successš he ƒrand of a Žation‹motional —ntelligence €eopolitics ˆustomer nalytics•eadership and ‹thics •eading ˆhange whartonamp.com 5