“ A lot of stress in deciding to do these programs is choosing the right program, and when to do the right program. There’s never a good time to take off five weeks, but when I looked at the Wharton curriculum, it was really a good program for me.” —L‰NN “L‰NN (AMP 2) S€P of ‚icensing, Pƒ€ Cor„…, †SA Featured Session Topics S­€A­‚‰ Š NN†‹A­†N‚L†’AL “NAN S­€­ •P€NS ‚ain larity Œith MeasuraŽle mpact€ecogni”e Nuances in conomic n…ironments€each ’eyond omfort ˆones •inking Operations anagement to –inancial erformance –inancial arket ›eturns and the acro ‹conomy ‹xecutive and eam ˆoaching eveloping and anaging —nnovation ˆapabilityˆorporate Strategy and œaluation•eadership Žavigation ˆhallenge Žew ƒusiness Opportunities in the ‡„st ˆenturyanaging the ˆorporate ortfolio ›owing on the Schuylkill ›iver ˆreating and Sustaining ˆompetitive dvantage€lobal ‹conomic —ssues Write ”our Own ˆover Story Strategy lanning and ˆonnected Strategy he –uture of oney aking a –ilm in a ay anaging ˆorporate c†uisitions–inancial ccounting ˆreativity iscoveryriven lanning Social ‹nterprise ro˜ect SN†€ LA €SP ’SNSS P€SP­‹S onnect People Œith Strategy for †ngoing ‹alue See the ’igger Picture MA€‘­N‚ Š SALS•eading žigherforming eams in ynamic ‹nvironments ˆompeting Œnder Œncertainty reate AŒareness to ‚enerate €esultsƒoards that •ead™ ˆorporate €overnance that ƒuilds œaluehe anagement of olitics arketing Science™ Žew ata and ƒetter Science‹xecutive Žegotiation Workshop‹xecutive Speaker Series ‹ˆommerce and igital arketing•eadership and –ollowership ˆorporate iplomacy oes arketing atterš Organi‰ational ˆulture What is Successš he ƒrand of a Žation‹motional —ntelligence €eopolitics ˆustomer nalytics•eadership and ‹thics •eading ˆhange whartonamp.com 5

Advanced Management Program - Page 8 Advanced Management Program Page 7 Page 9
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