“ What makes Wharton faculty unique is that we have two types of knowledge to draw on. We have this incredible empirical knowledge: What’s the cutting edge research and best practices? What are the numbers? But in addition, our faculty has really good clinical experience. They’re out there in the world, dealing with organizations.” —S‚AL ’A€SA P “ose„h Fran‘ ernstein Professor of Management Participating “aculty Sigal ’arsade Ph “ose„h Fran‘ ernstein Professor of Management a…id ’ell Ph –inmei —hang and ˜ongge ˆai Professor of Mar‘eting ’rian ’ushee Ph a…id €eiŽstein Ph eoffrey T… oisi Professor of Accounting William Steart Woodside Professor of Mar‘eting Peter onti‡’roŒn Ph Nancy €othŽard Ph Assistant Professor of ‚egal Studies ™ usiness ‹thics ˆavid Pottruc‘ Professor” Chair„erson, Management ˆe„artment milie “eldman Ph ‚. €ichard Shell › Associate Professor of Management Thomas errity Professor” Professor of Management” ‚eoffrey ‚arrett Ph Chair„erson, ‚egal Studies ™ usiness ‹thics ˆe„artment ˆean” šeliance Professor of Management and Private ‹nter„rise ›eremy Siegel Ph Mauro ‚uillén Ph šussell ‹… Palmer Professor of Finance ˆr… Feli• —andman Professor of Žnternational Management” NicolaŸ SiggelƒoŒ Ph ˆirector, The ‚auder Žnstitute, †niversity of Pennsylvania ˆavid M… ‰nott Professor of Management” Witold enis” Ph Coœˆirector, Mac‘ Žnstitute for Žnnovation Management ˆeloitte ™ Touche Professor of Management arŽir Singh Ph in ƒonor of šussell ‹… Palmer, former Managing Partner Mac‘ Professor of Management” Coœˆirector, Mac‘ Žnstitute for Martin hrig Ph Žnnovation Management” €ice ˆean for ložal Žnitiatives Ad›unct Professor of Management, The Wharton School” hristian erŒiesch Ph Professor and Associate ˆean, e ˜or‘ †niversity Andre M… ƒeller Professor” Coœˆirector, Mac‘ Žnstitute for Žnnovation €aghuram yengar Ph Management” Professor of Œ„erations, Žnformation and ˆecisions Associate Professor of Mar‘eting” CoœFaculty ˆirector, ›ames . hompson Ph Wharton Customer Analytics Žnitiative CoœFounder and ˆirector, Wharton Social ‹nter„rise Program” an MacMillan ’A Ad›unct Associate Professor, School of Social Policy and Practice The ˆhiružhai Amžani Professor of Žnnovation and ‹ntre„reneurshi„” a…id Wessels Ph ˆirector, Sol C… Snider ‹ntre„reneurial šesearch Center Ad›unct Professor of Finance whartonamp.com 15