Wharton aculty Learn from those who wrote the book S‚N “†€ ‘N†WL ‚ –ollowing is a partial list of participating Wharton faculty, sub˜ect to change for some sessions™ Wharton faculty are experts in their fields and “aculty hair thought leaders in the business world. ‹ach day of Michael seem Ph AMP, Wharton faculty help you link new knowledge William and “acalyn ‹gan Professor of Management” and tools to your uni†ue business and personal ‹ditor, Wharton ‚eadershi„ ˆigest” ˆirector, Center for ‚eadershi„ and Change Management situations. hese integration sessions encourage reflection, †uestions, and rich conversations. he „ecuti…e irector total experience is so binding, AMP participants ›eff ‘lein typically retain relationships with one another and ‹•ecutive ˆirector, Mculty ‚eadershi„ Program” ‚ecturer, The Wharton School and the School of Social Policy with Wharton faculty throughout their careers. and Practice, †niversity of Pennsylvania ictured from left icola€ Siggelkow ‚aghuram ƒyengar and auro Guillén 14 wharton advanced management program